Birth Photography

Birth photography is all about capturing the emotion in the room as your baby comes into the world – first breath, your first skin-on-skin moments together, the first time you see each other and all the tender and touching moments that occur during your labour and delivery that both parents could otherwise easily miss.

I offer a range bespoke packages for birth photography, starting from £850 (which includes having me on call from week 38 of your pregnancy, photography of your labour through to one hour after your baby’s birth, and a musical (non-printable) slideshow of your baby’s birth story. Full-resolution digital negatives, handmade albums and fine art prints can then be purchased separately.

I am currently offering discounts on birth photography for mums-to-be who are happy for their child’s birth story (PG rated!) slideshow to be shared online. Please email me for details.

As I only take on a limited number of birth photography sessions each year, I recommend getting in touch as soon as possible after your 12 week scan if you would like to make a booking.

For more information about birth photography, please contact me.


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